Friday, October 6, 2017

Muscle Tear 6 Days before Surgery

I have been experiencing a lot of pain that feels like something is tearing/ripping in my leg. We knew there was a possibility that my achillies would tear on its own, but this was something we were not too concerned about. Our understanding that if my achillies tore or ruptured, it would not be the worst thing.  On Tuesday I woke up and found a lump on the side of my calf with severe pain. As the day went on, the swelling increased, as well as the pain. If I moved my leg, the tearing sensation would increase. I put in a call to my surgeon who was pretty sure my achillies had torn on its own or was beginning to tear slowly. The doctor wanted me to call him the next day, and update him on the status of everything. 

After being awake all night from the pain, I looked at my leg and it was bigger than it was the night before. It looks like a baseball is popping out of my leg. I called the surgeon and was told to come in and see his physians assistant. When I saw her, she said my achillies was in tact, but I did have a torn muscle where the ball sized lump was. She said there’s a possibility my achillies is tearing but we will not know that for sure until I go into surgery. There is questioning if I have damage to a nerve as I don’t have sensation in half of my foot and heel, or is the swelling causing the numbness. The only way to correct this is with surgery, which is in 6 days. It was recommended I stay off my leg as much as I can due to the swelling, and it is crucial the swelling stays down as it will impact my surgery negatively. 

As much as this situation stinks, it’s nothing I didn’t expect and it could be worse. The appointment overall was positive, and I am grateful there isn’t signs of a blood clot. The treatment plan for the time being: puppy snuggles and binge watching shows on Netflix 

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