As September is Dystonia awareness month, I’ve been sitting back and thinking about the past 3 years; all I can say is holy s*** this has been an adventure. There have been many obstacles I’ve faced, and have beaten the odds more than anyone imagined. Being told numerous of times that I wouldn’t be able to walk again was the fuel to my fire to proof everyone wrong that I will be able to walk again. More importantly, I proved to myself that if you want something badly, you will do whatever it takes to make a dream come true. My dream came true; I am walking on my own.
This has been one of the hardest journey's I’ve encountered, and I refuse to give up. My motto has always been, "losing is not an option". The jigsaw puzzle is being pieced together, and there is a clearer overview for why my legs became deformed and spastic. I didn’t want to give up finding the root cause, as my gut was screaming something wasn’t right; I knew there was more to the story, and soon the next chapter will begin. This chapter will be focusing on my spinal cord, and how there is a strong believe this is causing the Dystonia.
Fighting to be your own advocate is easier said than done, and I will admit it isn't easy. Throughout my journey living with Dystonia, I have learned how to be my own case manager, and speak up for what I need. It was hard in the beginning, and within time, it became easier. It can be hard to speak up for your personal needs, and it is okay to ask for assistance. Let's be honest, humans in general don't know everything. One of the ways we learn is by asking others who may have expertise about the topic; if they don't know the answer, there is a possibility that individual can steer you in the right direction. There are many forms of support systems; family, friends, and colleagues, are just some of the examples of support systems you can rely on. When times become difficult, use your support team; these individuals will help you navigate the resources you need to be your own best advocate. There was some wise words I have learned, and anyone can implement it in their lives; you are your own best advocate.